Founder and Certified Angel Empowerment Practitioner
Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own Intuition and Divine guidance and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in one’s self.
With a background in nursing and counselling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of concrete information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and she states, “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an Instructor and Healer is to witness individuals move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”
Cindy is in an Instructor/Author/Inspirational Speaker/Healer and has recorded over 100 Guided Meditations.
What is an Angel Card Reading?
Angel Empowerment Practitioners receive messages from your Divine Angel Team to share with you. A practitioner will start the session by using Angel Oracle Card Decks. Angel Oracle cards are used as an extra tool to receive guidance from the Divine and show you what your Angel Team would like to communicate. Oracle angel cards act as a conduit to provide guidance to the Angel Empowerment practitioner who is communicating with your Divine Angel Team. Using one or several Angel Oracle Card Decks during a session may represent hundreds of different themes and messages concerning; love, relationship, career, life purpose, abundance, positive change, prosperity, health and wellness, and healing.
Archangels use different methods to help with releasement, healing physical & emotional, move through blocks and fear based energy, stop tiredness or increase energy, remove negative energy, past life healing, belief pattern change and so much more.
What is the goal of an angel card reading?
During an Angel Empowerment Card Reading you can ask direct questions at any time during the session. The goal is to have all questions answered before the session is complete. Most common questions are related to relationships, health, life purpose, career & finances. During an angel card reading you can also ask questions about loved ones.
During an Empowerment Angel Card Reading will you receive fear-based Messages?
NO! Angels are a Divine Vibration without an ego. They are pure divine love and white light vibration. Your Intuitive Team. Angel Guidance for you are focussed on 3 main intentions: Now (what is working for you and what can be changed), assist with healing from your past and messages for your future. The only minimal amount of fear you may experience during a session is a message which guides change.
An Angel Reading with Cindy is a life changer... I don't say that lightly. After only one hour I felt a huge difference in my body and mind. Cindy not only provides you with the gracious guidance you need to improve and change your life, she uses techniques to make the change immediately and the tools to continue. Cindy's beautiful personality, down to earth and loving energy is a gift to all that work with her. I thank you so much Cindy for the difference you have made in my life and the thousands of other lives you have transformed - you are truly a blessing to us all.”
- Heidi
Book a Reading With Cindy
Angel/Oracle/Intuitive Card Readings
Guidance and Support for Change and Healing with Your Divine Team
Learn more about yourself by:
Knowing you are on the right path
Clearing blocks
Receiving personal messages
Becoming EMPOWERED to create change you desire for NOW and the FUTURE.
Angel Empowerment Healing
Angel Empowerment Healing is a modality that changes lives through the power of positive thought and healing with Archangel Raphael.
The underlying belief of this healing program is that we each have the power to be in perfect health. Just as we can set the intention to manifest whatever we desire, the evidence proves we can manifest our own perfect health. We work with the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, higher conscious) and the physical body to change your life. Our results indicate improvements such as reduction of pain, anxiety, depression and stress. Improved sleep, wound healing and faster recovery time after surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and improved control of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
Questions? Comments?
Cindy is here to help.
Submit your question or comment securely and privately to Cindy using the form below. Cindy promises to reply quickly.