Ellen Keith

[email protected]
Cell/Text: 204-999-8617

Ellen offers Angel Card Readings, Angel Empowerment Healing Sessions and teaches workshops such as “Move from Self- Sabatoge to Self- Confidence by trusting in your intuitive senses."  

Ellen is a Certified Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner and Angel Empowerment Healer. She has studied Reiki Levels 1 & 2 and has belonged to many Spiritual Groups and Classes as a participant and team member.

Ellen believes part of her life purpose is to be a conduit for the Angelic Realm delivering guidance and healing for clients. She uses her own life experiences and teachings to help guide clients to move from self-sabotage to self-confidence, and to trust their intuitive senses.

Book a Reading With Ellen


Angel/Oracle/Intuitive Card Readings

Guidance and Support for Change and Healing with Your Divine Team

Learn more about yourself by:

Knowing you are on the right path
Clearing blocks
Receiving personal messages
Becoming EMPOWERED to create change you desire for NOW and the FUTURE.



15 minutes - $40 CAD
30 minutes - $75 CAD

Angel Empowerment Healing

Ellen is looking for Case Studies to complete her certification. If you are interested, please book a discovery session with Ellen to discuss.

Angel Empowerment Healing is a modality that changes lives through the power of positive thought and healing with Archangel Raphael.

The underlying belief of this healing program is that we each have the power to be in perfect health. Just as we can set the intention to manifest whatever we desire, the evidence proves we can manifest our own perfect health. We work with the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, higher conscious) and the physical body to change your life. Our results indicate improvements such as reduction of pain, anxiety, depression and stress. Improved sleep, wound healing and faster recovery time after surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and improved control of chronic diseases such as diabetes.



Book a free Discovery Session

Move from Self - Sabotage to Confidence and TRUST your Intuitive Senses

Presented by Ellen Keith

Sunday, March 16th 2025; Noon – 2pm MST

This is a workshop to assist you in bringing into your conscious awareness how, when and why you perhaps self-sabotage your connection with your Intuitive Senses and Angel Team. Ellen will share her experiences and assist you in how to create the trust with self. This workshop will begin with a Personal Message from one of your Angels and end with another message to assist with your continued support.


  • Personal Message (Pull Angel Card for each participant)
  • Explore your Guardians Angel Team and themes they can assist you with.
  • What are your strongest Intuitive Senses
  • How and Why, you may Self-Sabatoge
  • Learn what Archangels can assist to create Trust
  • Experience a Clearing Technique
  • Meditation – Archangel Michael and self-exploration
Register Now - $111 CAD

Questions?  Comments?
Ellen is here to help.

Submit your question or comment securely and privately to Ellen using the form below. Ellen promises to reply quickly.

Or send Ellen an email
[email protected]
Cell/Text: 204-999-8617